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March 29 2021

Dear Athena’s Community,

For 23 years, Athena’s has been devoted to spreading good vibes and promoting self-love and relationship enhancement. The people that work in our headquarters and the Goddesses and Adoni devote a part of their lives to the mission and ideals that love, respect and safe spaces belong to EVERYONE. It is devastating to us when there is blatant hatred, murder and abuse of People of Color: especially Women of Color. 

The tragic events that unfolded in Atlanta, with the murder of six innocent Asian women shocked and sickened us. Our hearts ache for the victims, families and the community that is suffering in the wake of these unforgivable crimes. The alarming rise of anti-Asian racism and violence our country is experiencing is completely unacceptable. Unfortunately, this is nothing new, but thankfully there’s more awareness. When you know better, you can do better. And as a nation, we must do better. 

To the AAPI women who work among us and their families, the mothers of Asian children, our AAPI mentors and friends, to the AAPI community, we stand with you and will not tolerate anti-Asian rhetoric. We honor you during this difficult time, send healing to your broken hearts and pray for swift justice. While it’s easy to feel helpless during such tragic times, we ALL have the power to make a difference. NOW is a time to stand as allies, to listen with an open heart and to show we care. 

  • Check in on your Asian friends. Just knowing that you are there and concerned matters.
  • Use your voice to raise awareness in your community to help protect and support your AAPI friends, neighbors and business owners by contacting your local legislators and ask what they are doing to protect AAPI folks. 
  • Support AAPI businesses and donate to causes that uplift their communities. 

Athena’s has chosen to support the #imready movement by AAPI Women Lead and we have made a donation to support their efforts to end violence towards the AAPI community.

We are ALL responsible for making this world a safe place for EVERYONE. Words and our actions matter. 

This FREE training is available to teach you Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention methodology: that will help you learn ways to stop Asian hate when you experience it.

Let’s do our part by joining the movement to change how AAPI are treated and help #stopasianhate.

Jennifer Jolicoeur,

President, Athena’s Home Novelties