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Our Stance:
Black Lives Matter

June 4, 2020

Dear Athena’s Community,
I apologize for the delay in coming to you. In my heart, I did not want to make a reactive statement. Since Monday, my main concern has been checking in on the beloved BIPOC in the Athena’s community. That is where I chose to start. Athena’s is a company that is rooted in pleasure and love. I have attended weddings, celebrated births of babies and shared adventures with these women. Being with them in times of joy is a blessing. Standing with them in a time of extreme grief and outrage over the horrific murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and far too many others at the hands of law enforcement is just as important. The depths of their despair cannot be fully known to me. As a white woman, I will never experience the injustices these brave women and their families have endured for generations.

NOW is the time for the world to STOP, LISTEN and LEARN with an open heart. What I learned is that difficult, uncomfortable conversations about racism are a foundation from which we must build a better and safer environment for BIPOC. At Athena’s, in our communities and in our nation.

  • We CAN do better.
  • We MUST do better.

It is obvious we have a long way to go. Yet, with HOPE and a commitment to do the work, together we can create change.
To non-Black folks, please, please, PLEASE become an ally. There are resources at your fingertips. Educating yourself is one of the most important things you can do to show the BIPOC in your life and communities that you CARE. Your words AND your actions NOW and going forward is what will bring unity and healing. Bring your GOOD vibes to the movement. It is OKAY to not have all the right words. It is NOT OKAY to dismiss what is happening to human beings that are suffering.

  • To BIPOC – Athena’s grieves with you.
  • Athena’s stands with you.
  • Racism, inequality and discrimination will not be tolerated at Athena’s.

Starting TODAY I will collaborate with my staff and our POC to review and create policies that protect not only POC, but members of the LGBTQ community who make the choice to be part of my company. I will work to find ways where healthy productive conversations can replace defensive, hurtful ones – especially on social media. Together we will find ways to ensure our parties are not only fun and playful, but also safe for all. This will not happen overnight, but it will happen. An inclusive environment and representation of the diversity within our company has always been important to us, and we will be vigilant.

The heartbreak and pain we are feeling and witnessing is unlike anything we have ever experienced in our lifetime. We are traumatized. For those of us with children, they are watching.

As horrific as these times are, we must see the opportunity before us to have honest age appropriate conversations and focus on SAYING and DOING what is RIGHT to prevent inflicting pain in the generations that will follow us. George Floyd calling out for his mother as he was murdered will haunt us forever. We have Goddesses vowing to answer his call by becoming mothers who raise children who do not condone or tolerate systematic injustice. It is sentiments of love like this that become the light in the darkness.

Athena’s will continue to spread a message of connection, pleasure, self-love and self-care through these trying times. It’s more important than ever.

To our Goddesses, Adoni, clients, supporters and your communities, I am sending peace, love and good vibes to you,

Jennifer Jolicoeur
President, Athena’s Home Novelties