Athena’s Vacation Essentials

Picture this: you’re lying on a chaise lounge, listening to the sound of distant waves crashing on the shore of an empty beach – it’s the time of day where the sky is slightly pink, yellow and purple; the warm breeze dances across your sun kissed skin… you’re on a VACATION! To some, vacations are chock full of activities – sight-seeing, hiking, shopping; but to me, it’s all about a beach or pool, the sun, good eats and a drink in my hand.
When I am packing to take a vacation, I ALWAYS overpack! I’m sure you’re picking up what I’m putting down. I pack clothes like I’ll be there for a month. Countless combinations, a ridiculous number of shoes… and honestly, I end up only wearing half of what I packed. I ask myself “WHY did you bring all of this? You’ve got to lug it all home now.”
However, one thing I will NEVER regret packing are my Athena’s products.
Let me set the scene for you. I’m on the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and despite slathering on the SPF, I can feel myself slowly roasting under the tropical sun. It feels EPIC. I just KNOW I’m going to be a smoking hot, tanned Goddess later. I return to the hotel room, take a long luxurious shower beneath the rain shower head. As I step out, I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. To my horror, my skin is the color of a boiled lobster. This happens every time, without fail! So, what do I do? I generously spray myself with Afterglow Oil.
This hemp seed-based oil calms and soothes sunburned skin. It penetrates the top layer of the skin and deeply moisturizes. Consistently applying enough prevents peeling. It gives skin a beautiful glow and acts as a barrier between the burn and clothing. Specifically, for me, it protects my shoulders from my bra straps, which can feel like sandpaper grinding on a sunburn. Apply it yourself or even better ask your partner to gently apply it while you lie spread eagle on the comfy hotel bed. It can also be used for a sensual massage before some vacation sex (you know what I mean, wink wink). Spray some in the tub and add some bubbles and rose petals for a relaxing oil bath! The scent I prefer is Coconut Lime! Mmmmm.
Swimming is arguably the best thing since sliced bread. Ocean or pool: it doesn’t matter. On a hot summer day, it’s heaven. The downside is the damage done to my hair. The sea salt makes hair impossible to brush and the chlorine from the pool dries it out from top to bottom. The top of my head has been baking in the sun all day while romping around. Immediately after leaving the water to lay in the sun again, I spritz our Heavenly Goddess Leave-In Conditioner all over my hair, scrunch and throw it into a messy bun. I also use it again after the shower. This makes it easier to run a brush through my hair without damaging it further. The scents of Vanilla Musk or Coconut Lime are perfect for summertime and put you in a sensuous mood. Your hair will smell awesome.
Another product I can’t vacation without is a pack of our Intimate Cleansing Tissues. Ideally, these are meant for after-sex cleanup or sweat. I won’t lie, these wipes come in handy while on vacation, but my favorite use for them is using them while on the beach or by the pool. After swimming, my face and hands feel gross. The sand, salt and chlorine cling to my skin and make me feel crunchy and dry. I use a wipe or two to cleanse it all away and clean my hands. I also use them to get the sand off my feet before I put my shoes on while at the beach before I head back to the room or in the doorway before entering the room, so I don’t track sand inside.
Another thing I feel like many can relate to is chub rub. Am I right? Chub rub happens when you wear a cute dress, shorts, or a bathing suit as you walk. Those of us without thigh gaps start to feel like our inner thighs are on fire from the friction caused by chafing. It wasn’t a tropical vacation, but there was this time I went to NASCAR in August in New Hampshire. Let me tell you – if I had to walk around on the steaming hot asphalt all day without Happy Sak on my inner thighs, my ass would have been down for the count. This odorless lotion quickly dries as a silky, smooth powder when applied. It prevents chafing and blocks moisture. A walk on the beach or a walk from your hotel room to the restaurant or from the taxi to the airport gate in a tropical setting with chub rub can be painful! Thanks to Happy Sak, there is no pain for this Goddess! It is gender neutral and can be used on any part of the body – lower back, under or between the tatas, on the testicles and between “the folds”. Can you catch my drift?
I’m going to backtrack a little bit and talk about my vacation shaving ritual. The night before I’m going to be beaching it or sitting by the pool or as soon as I arrive at the destination (depending on when my flight leaves and what time of year I am traveling), I shave ev-er-y-thang. Legs, armpits, and of course the bikini line/lady bits. I exfoliate beforehand using our Ayate Sponge to remove all the dead, dry skin before shaving so I get the absolute cleanest shave possible. Then I use Supreme Ultimate Shave Cream to avoid razor rash – you know, those unsightly red bumps I don’t want to join me on vacation. I bring the Supreme on every trip. Why? For touch ups! If you’re on vacation for 5 days, ONE pre-trip shave isn’t going to cut it! You don’t want any stubble rubbing up against your partner, the hot cabana boy or the fling you met at the swim up bar, do you? My hubs uses Supreme to shave his head so it’s nice and smooth and shiny. Bonus tip: I use it to take off my eye makeup before bed while in the shower! This way I don’t look like a raccoon later. One swipe under each eye does the trick.
In conclusion, there are many other Athena’s products that are valuable for vacations. Some can keep the bugs away; our products smell amazing and help wash the sand and sweat out of unwanted places. We have products to ignite your senses and make your vacation sex legendary whether you’re traveling solo or attached!
Happy Traveling!

Lindsay Kerr has been a goddess since 2012. In 2016, she left her high-stress job and became a full-time Goddess. Since then, she has been a consistent Top 10 seller/recruiter and is the proud Team Leader of The Pillow Patrol. She has served on the Goddess/Adonis Advisory Board as a toy tester and is frequently involved in company trainings. She lives in Lakeville, MA with her husband and her two dogs, Merle and Oscar